The Lord says, Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind by the washing of the Word. Many are a victim to their own thoughts and ideas of Me. Know Me according to My Word. For in this, the keys to the prison exist. Search for Me in the Secret Place; in My ... read more
The True Vine Seeks Abiding
The Lord says, My child, seek Me. Know that I AM the True Vine and thee are the branches. In Me thou shall do all things. Without Me thee can do nothing. I AM speaking to the seeker to abide in Me. For in closeness thee shall know the One, True God of Israel. It is time for the pruning of the ... read more
Glory in Brokenness
The Lord says, I, the Lord, speak to hearts that are willing to hear. For faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. A brokenness comes by My hand to vessels that are willing to carry the contents of My heart. I long to share much with My creation. For in partnership, My will is ... read more
Have A Love for the Truth
The Lord says, I seek for My people to know Me. To know My depth. To know the mysteries of God. For their purpose is great unto My Kingdom. Make no mistake. For I AM a just God that seeks obedience as a father would from his child. I AM the way, the truth, and the life. My way is to be followed for ... read more