The Lord says, Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind by the washing of the Word. Many are a victim to their own thoughts and ideas of Me. Know Me according to My Word. For in this, the keys to the prison exist. Search for Me in the Secret Place; in My ... read more
Set Free
The Lord says, It is I, the Lord, whom set one free. For only in Me can freedom exist. For I have defeated hell, death, and the grave. Apart from Me, there is no life. Listen unto My voice from a prophet's mouth. To whom the Son gives freedom, there is freedom indeed. Watch what I, the Lord, shall ... read more
Knowing the God of the Scriptures
The Lord says, My Word is Holy Writ. It is to be heeded in fullness. For all scripture is to be used for instruction, reproof, and rebuke. My Word reveals who I AM from Genesis to Revelation. For any that add to or take away from My Word are to be accursed. For My Word is infallible. For I AM the ... read more
From Everlasting to Everlasting, His Word is Given by His Spirit
The Lord says, I, the Lord, breathe My Word and give it voice. For My Word is alive; living and active; sharper than any two-edged sword. It is a discerner of the soul and spirit. It divides the truth from a lie. I give Word from My heart to creation. I, the Lord, rebuke, instruct, and edify. I ... read more